Pankaj Bansal

Posted by: admin_bni Category: Testimonial Comments: 0 Post Date: March 20, 2020

Pankaj Bansal

I have been running the transport logistics business for more than three years. Even though my business was running smoothly, it was not moving forward the way I have wanted. Through BNI, I was able to participate in more business opportunities. BNI served as a good business platform, and it helped me to run my company in maximum potential. With the help and cooperation of BNI, I was able to grow my transport logistics to the extent I never imagined. In the last three years, my company has successfully done a business of about ₹ 1 crore and 40 lakhs. I could have never obtained this feat without the support and help from BNI. Thank you so much, BNI.

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